UV-vis Calibration Solutions. Replacement Set of Solutions for use with UV-vis Calibration Kit

MicroSolv SKU: 49115-25


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This UV-vis Calibration PQ Kit™ is a series of NIST traceable solutions with easy data recording and reporting of the actual data with acceptance criteria. This will allow you to Qualify a UV-vis Spectrophotometer easily and fully in regulated laboratories. In-house Performance Qualification (PQ) of these instruments is easy and saves money and time.

UV-vis Kit Includes:

Absorbance Solutions:

Reference Solution Diluent

Wavelength Calibration Solution

Stray Light Solution

Software: Excel Template for Data Recording and Analysis

Certificate of Analysis.

Click HERE for more information about the UV-vis Kits or Click HERE for Specifications.

Solutions will be supplied with at least six months until the expiration date. They are designed to be used promptly and often. Expiration date is two years after the date of manufacture.

Click HERE for more information about the UV-vis Kits or Click HERE for Specifications.

Solutions will be supplied with at least six months until the expiration date. They are designed to be used promptly and often. Expiration date is two years after the date of manufacture.