HPLC Column: Boltimate EXT-C18, 2.7μm, 90Å, 4.6×250mm

Welch Materials SKU: 962-04043

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Welch Boltimate is a core-shell material with a 1.7 μm diameter non-porous solid core, and a 0.5 μm porous outer shell. Boltimate can deliver speed and efficiency rivaling UHPLC, using conventional HPLC systems at much lower back pressure.

Specialized core-shell design allows for greater speed and efficiency.

  • Achieves efficiency similar to sub-2 μm materials (~200000 p/m)
  • High speed and high resolution
  • Compatible with both HPLC and UHPLC systems
  • Operates at low pressure, but is stable up to 600bar (8700 psi)
Chemistry: C18
Length: 250 mm
Internal Diameter: 4.6 mm
Particle size: 2.7 um
Pore size: 90Å
Surface Area: 120 m2/g
Carbon Load: 8%
Max. pressure: 600 bar
pH range: 1.5-12
MaxTemp: 60⁰C
USP Class: L1
Brand: Boltimate EXT-C18
Manufacturer: Welch Materials